They stimulate the nerve endings of the gustatory and olfactory receptors, salivation and digestion thanks to the action on smooth muscles, (for example the essential oil of basil, cinnamon, fennel, sage), they are an effectiveantacidand stimulate the activity of the pancreas and liver.
Heart and circulatory system
They can stimulate the heart muscle or slow down its palpitations, up to hypotension, by acting on the muscles and nerve endings.
Endocrine system
It is proven that essential oils act like plant hormones already in low doses to regulate metabolic activity and act as stimulators or inhibitors of some endocrine glands: basil, pine, thyme and rosemary stimulate the adrenal cortex, while mint and jasmine activates the hormones of the pituitary gland.
Immune system
Some essential oils, such as lavender and pine, stimulate the body to reject thembacterial aggressions.
Respiratory system
They pass mainly from the respiratory system, carrying outan antiseptic action(for example peppermint and eucalyptus),expectorant(camphor, marjoram, oregano, savory) and stimulating breathing.
Urinary system
Essential oils exert a mild actiondiuretic(green anise, birch and cypress but also lemon and sandalwood) and antiseptic.

How are essential oils used?
Aromatic use

Topical use

Internal use

DōTERRA Essential Oils are pure and CPTG certified so extremely safe and quality.DōTERRA® Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade CPTG essential oilsthey are pure, natural and aromatic compounds, meticulously extracted from plants. They do not contain additives or artificial ingredients, which would only dilute their active ingredients, nor contaminants such as pesticides or other chemical residues .
The aromatic compounds of the plants are skillfully extracted by expert distillers, and then subjected to chemical analysis to ensure their purity and composition.
Every single bottleof theessential oilsdōTERRAhas a codenumeric fordetermineprovenance and traceability

To date, essential oilsdōTERRA®they are by far the safest and most beneficial oils available on the market.
Aromatherapy, to take care of yourself
Essential oils are real and precious allies for our health.
They are aromatic compounds of natural origin found in seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers and other parts of plants. Their peculiarity is to have a fragrance that is as pleasant as it is effective.
Essential oils are able to improve mood, calm the senses and elicit important emotional responses. Yet, the use of essential oils goes far beyond their inviting fragrance, some of them are endowed with extremely powerful properties. Their unique chemical structure contains balsamic properties antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antifungal, expectorant, digestive or as an aid to the skin care.
Some oils can be used like food supplements, aimed at promoting vitality and well-being. They act on the psyche, influencing intellectual performance, memory and relaxation, promote sleep. The actions of essential oils, thanks to their chemical constituents, scent and flavor, therefore involve different systems.
Nervous system
Perhaps it is the apparatus on which they are most effective. Some essential oils such as oregano and verbena stimulate the parasympathetic system, while others, such as thyme and cypress, block it; lavender essential oil has a stimulating action on the sympathetic system, while basil oil has an inhibiting action on the sympathetic system. Some essential oils are stimulants, see nutmeg and mint, while others like chamomile, lemon balm, and lavender have calming effects. Thanks to the aroma they emanate, they are able to stimulate the nerve endings of the nose, reaching the olfactory centers located in the brain, thus modulating the mood and the nervous system, making essential oils effective anxiolytics And antidepressants also by olfactory way. Researcher Daniel Amen's work on the psychoneuroendocrine immune system (PNEI) is of interest to explore this aspect in detail.
They stimulate the nerve endings of the gustatory and olfactory receptors, salivation and digestion thanks to the action on smooth muscles, (for example the essential oil of basil, cinnamon, fennel, sage), they are an effective antacid e stimulate the activity of the pancreas and liver. Some essential oils such as grapefruit, lemon and ginger act on the balance between ghrelin and leptin, hunger and satiety hormones, supporting the weight control corporeo.
Heart and circulatory system
Essential oils enter the circulation quickly and act on the musculature of the blood vessels. They support central and peripheral healthy circulation, being able to modulate the blood pressure.
Endocrine system
It is proven that essential oils act like plant hormones already in low doses to regulate the metabolic activity e act as stimulators or inhibitors of some endocrine glands: basil, pine, thyme and rosemary stimulate the adrenal cortex, while mint and jasmine activate the hormones of the pituitary.
Immune system
Some essential oils, such as lavender and pine, stimulate the body to reject them bacterial aggressions.
Respiratory system
Essential oils support the respiratory system, carrying out an antiseptic action (for example with peppermint and eucalyptus), expectorant (camphor, marjoram, oregano) and stimulant of breathing.
Urinary system
Essential oils exert a mild action (green anise, birch and cypress but also lemon and sandalwood) and antiseptic (juniper, thyme) thus supporting a healthy toxin elimination.
How do therapeutic essential oils work?
When essential oils are applied to the skin, they begin to work immediately entering the circulatory system in just 30 seconds and thanks to their lipophilic properties (soluble in lipids), they have the extraordinary ability to penetrate the cell membrane and help the body to heal. According to Jean Valnet, father of modern phytotherapy and aromatherapy, essential oils can penetrate every cell of the body in 20 minutes, are metabolized like all other nutrients, and are then eliminated by the body in 3-4 hours.

How are essential oils used?
Essential oils can be spread around the house or in the car with diffusers,
they can be applied directly to the skin or taken orally
The most common system is the use of speakers. The essential oil is diluted in water (from 5 to 20 drops) and then breathed, thus arriving in the blood. It is essential that the oil is not hot, otherwise it risks burning and losing most of its beneficial effects, so we avoid heating it with candles or other heat sources, using ultrasonic diffusers instead. These pleasant essences of nature help us to regain well-being by reconciling body and mind.
Aromatic use

On the skin
A characteristic of essential oils is that they are quickly absorbed by the skin so a few drops of pure oil (from 1 to 5) or diluted in other vegetable oil (1 part of essential oil in 1-4 parts of vegetable oil) can be applied to the wrists, temples, feet, behind the ears or neck and do a massage. It is good practice to check for possible skin sensitivity by applying a drop to the inside of the arm before more extensive use.The roller is another very convenient method of applying essential oil, pre-diluted rollers are available or you can make your own, to your liking.
Topical use

The most effective method is taking it orally which will bring the essential oil inside our body to receive the maximum benefits. It can be encapsulated, diluted in water, in other oil, in honey or in food, in this case it is good to have an expert follow . Ingesting dōTERRA CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils means safety, reliability, purity and quality.Warning: never ingest non-certified essential oils as they can be altered, artificially flavored, or contain synthetic chemical additives.
Internal use

Among other uses, essential oils are indicated for massages relaxants, mixed with a carrier oil, in deodorants and lotions, or diluted in water during a relaxing hot bath at the end of the day using a single essence or combining them.
In general it is always worth checking that you are not allergic to the active ingredients of the oils so it is good to try a small drop on the skin before proceeding with aromatherapy, whatever the method used to diffuse them.
Essential oils dōTERRA® Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade CPTG they are pure, natural and aromatic compounds, meticulously extracted from plants and therefore extremely safe and of quality. They contain no additives or artificial ingredients, which would only dilute their active ingredients, nor contaminants such as pesticides or other chemical residues .
The aromatic compounds of the plants are skillfully extracted by expert distillers, and then subjected to chemical analysis to ensure their purity and composition.
Every single bottle of dōTERRA essential oils has a code to determine provenance and traceability.

The dōTERRA® essential oils are by far the safest and most beneficial oils available on the market.
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Disclaimer:The notions published on this site are provided for information and disclosure purposes only. The intent is to promote a healthy culture of natural well-being through the use of essential oils and other natural products present within the site itself. They are NOT intended as a medical prescription and are NOT a substitute for the advice of a doctor.